Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Boneyard did not get its planned review today

Well, as I have said before, I did not take this silly job for the money. I needed a distraction, and this particular job comes with free haunted house tickets. Or at least, it usually does.

I have not received any actual tickets yet, supposedly because the store hasn't been given any. At least, that's what the manager said last week, and so far the shift manager says she hasn't been given any either. And usually, the second or third Sunday before Halloween, the store or even several of the stores go as a group to a haunted house. This year, the group went to the Dungeon of Doom in the Arlington Art museum, and afterwards took a behind the scenes tour of the place. But I did not do that, because they went the Sunday I came back from Kansas, and even if I'd been left a message about it I really would have been too tired to go that day.

And usually, there are several haunted houses in the area where you just show your store name tag and check stub and they let you in for free. You don't get to bring a friend for free, so maybe it's not as much fun as having free tickets, but I like haunted houses enough that I've gone to a couple by myself.

But it looks like this year I won't be doing anymore of that. I'd only been told of two places that would let us in for free this year: Mead Manor in Mansfield (which I went to a few weeks ago), and the Boneyard in Arlington. So last night I got off work a little after seven, and ran errands until a little after eight, so it would have been the perfect time to go to the Boneyard.

But they did not let me in free, so I ended up just going home.

That was just as well, I needed to work on the costume some more and get some sleep, but it did come as a bit of a surprise. I was under the impression that we got in free, and the people working at the place were under the impression that we got in free, but when I actually started to walk into the place, the guy running the place came out and said he hadn't made any arrangement for that. He offered me a half-price ticket, but I was by myself and starting to get tired, so I declined.

Speaking of being tired, my feet are still sore from yesterday. It would be nice if the district manager could break the computer so the store would have to close today. But it's nearly five hours before I have to go in, so hopefully I'll feel better by then. But really, I'd rather just work on my costume a bit and then go back to bed.

They'll have to put up the work schedule today. If it says something unreasonable I'll just leave. Except for the shift managers and a couple of people who have been doing this for five or ten, I can't think of anyone else I worked with last year who is still there. The guy I had so much fun with last year at the haunted houses only worked weekends, and then he didn't work one week because of a miscommunication about the schedule, and then one day he called in sick, and I think he finally just gave up on the whole idea and quit, cause I only saw him that first day and then at the store meeting. One lady quit after two weeks because she got a divorce and moved to California. There's about five other people that I just haven't seen in a while and I have no idea what happened to them. Actually, now that I think about it, there are a couple of girls who are still working, but really they're just kids who mainly work nights and I don't talk to them much anyway.

I know. I'm always saying I'm going to quit, and then I don't. I'm just saying I might as well quit, but if the schedule is reasonable I probably won't.

Of course, if my husband's schedule changes, I might not even be here anyway.

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