Friday, November 17, 2006

Looking better now

Yesterday was a beautiful day.

I went and got my hair cut. I don't think I like it as much as last time, but I am of the opinion that I should get my hair cut at least once or twice a year whether I really want to or not. Club pictures are Saturday, so I hoped for the best and got it over with. It's not really bad, it's just not as good as last time.

After that I put air in the tires, had a pizza and salad, and went home to waste time on the computer.

I then found two things I had misplaced. A couple of weeks ago I bought some clearance sale Halloween M&Ms so that I could pick out the black ones and have Thanksgiving orange M&Ms. But as with everything else, when I actually need the things I can't find them.

While I'm looking for the M&Ms, I decide to get out the purple dress and see if that's really what I want to wear for the pictures on Saturday, and then I realize I don't know where the dress is either.

My friend said that is just as well, since she'd rather I wore a Harry Potter costume in the picture anyway.

Not that I'm sure where all the Harry Potter stuff is either.

But now I have found both the M&Ms and the purple dress, so all is well. And I'll take a witch hat and a Harry Potter scarf (and a black cape if I can find it in time) with me on Saturday, which should still look pretty good with the purple dress if I decide the picture needs more of that sort of thing.

So while I was looking for the other Harry Potter stuff, I got a call that my glasses were ready.

I went to Arlington to pick up the new glasses. They look great, but I'd forgotten how thin and fragile they were. Maybe I should just save them for special occasions, like getting my picture taken.

Since I had to go to Arlington to pick up the glasses anyway, I thought I might as well go to the mall to get something from Bath & Body Works. After Christmas I am just going to have the happiest and best smelling bunch of friends. I've got just a whole box of the stuff now, and I'm just trying to sort out who gets what and how to wrap it and what I want to possibly keep for myself.

My husband is back in Texas now, but still about two hours away. In fact, he's in the same town that he's scheduled to work on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. So I thought he might end up just staying there Sunday instead of coming home Saturday night and heading out again early Monday. And he said he didn't think so, and besides the company wouldn't pay for it. I wasn't thinking that they would pay for it, I was just thinking he might rather pay for it and get some rest. And now he thinks he might have a fever or something. So if he feels that bad, shouldn't we at least consider spending an extra hundred dollars or so for him to get some rest.

Problem is that he's made so little money at this particular place, besides not making any money the last week and being off a week before that.

So I'll just be happy that I get to see him Saturday and hope that he'll have sense not to do anything obviously stupid.

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