Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Thought I forgot about Coke Day?

Well, yesterday came and went without me blogging about Coke. What's wrong with me? I love Coke.

Okay, it's a bit late, but I thought I'd say a bit about the Coke Museum in Atlanta.

We went to Atlanta in 2000 for business. While we were there we did a bit of tourist stuff and a lot of food stuff. There's a big Krispie Kreme Donut place almost across the street from one of the places where we worked. We went to Mary Mac's and had stuff like fried green tomatoes. We went to The Varsity and had hotdogs and onion rings. We went to a Dwarf House and a few fast food places that they don't have around here.

And we went to the Coke Museum. And they tell you the history of Coke and you see new commercials for Coke and old favorite commercials for Coke and old ads for Coke. And we'd already been to some other soda museums here and there like the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco and also the one in Dublin, so it a lot of it was like that only much bigger.

Someone ahead of us on the tour was complaining that it was nothing but a big ad for Coke.


What did you think you were going to see at the Coca-Cola Museum? Dinosaur fossils? What did you come here for?

Near the end of the tour there is a room with free Coke and Sprite and the usual. And have you ever seen one of those fountains that is supposed to look like someone is skipping stones? Water is shot from one platform to another and then to another in sequence, so it looks like the same drops of water are bouncing across the room. They had a few of those, except that Coke and Sprite were in the fountains.

And then in the next room there are samples of hundreds of sodas made by the same company as Coke, only they are for sale in other countries, and for the most part you can't buy them here. I liked a lot of it, but none of the really unusual stuff appealed to me enough to buy a six pack. So we made ourselves really sick drinking all the samples and then went back to the motel.


  1. The fountains sound really cool..Can you swim in it? lol

  2. That reminds me to ask if they had any sort of Oompa Loompas there.

  3. No swimming.

    People swimming in my Coke, yuck!

    There's party people in a can, but I don't think they live in a beverage, just a can.

    I did not see any Oompa Loompas there, but there are small, so I might have missed some.

    Or they might have got on the TV shrink-ray thing and are in the can with the party people.

  4. I have too little experience with the food-factory-tour thing. Not enough for my own blog post. The Dublin factory sounds like one to see, but I think it is too far in the wrong direction the way my travels go.

    Now, who doesn't love Pop-Tarts? I did tour the Pop-Tart factory. And yes, they give samples. Pop-Tart factory workers also get to eat all they want on the line, believe it or not.

  5. I have heard of the Coke tours and that some of the sodas taste really disgusting.
    Can you get a cup of soda out of the fountain to drink? Is is still fizzy?
    I haven't ever been on a food-factory tour. I could have gone to Cereal City but they closed it down so no Kelloggs cereal tour for me.

  6. For some reason this reminds me of the promotion a DeLorean dealership on Long Island ran after John DeLorean was arrested.

    They advertised a pound of Coke with every DeLorean sold.

  7. I forgot to add that I went to the old Hershey's Choclate plant many moons ago.. on a school trip .. The chocolate was pretty good and free as well..

  8. Kelloggs makes Chocolate Fudge Pop Tarts.

  9. Those are good. But did you know that they once made Pizza Pop Tarts?

  10. Pizza Pop Tarts?

    When did this happen?

  11. Want the tale, as un-Coke-related as it is? It's not too long though.

  12. Maybe you should write that in your blog sometime when you don't have much else to talk about.

  13. OK. I will keep your blog free of it. And "people swimming in coke" will retain the highest yuck factor here as a result.

  14. I could swim all day in a pool of diet coke.....
