Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sorry I missed you

If you are reading this, I am probably out of town. And, when I go out of town, I am often without Internet access. I just never know until I get there.

So Monday Morons may be a day late. Or it may be a lot later than that. I'm not sure.

I have not heard from some of you in a while, and someone who was supposed to email me didn't. So I hope everyone is okay. Once in a while, say hello or something, even if what I've written is totally boring.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.


  1. I was on a blogging break last week.. just one of those things.. I also had some dental work done and was out of commission for a few days.. have a great trip and see ya back here soon...

    I also wanted to mention since I'm fairly new at reading your blog that I get lost in reading some posts.. I guess it's its the way you tell a story.. Not boring.. but long sometimes.. I can't help it either.. I blog about stuff that I'm sure no one wants to read... especially about my weekends... That's alwasy a rerally long post.. So I try to post pics instead... Have you tried posting any pics lately? I hope that you do.. Maybe some from your travels would be a nice change...

  2. Enjoy the break if possible. Come back with tales....

  3. I hope the person who didn't email finally sends you something.

    As for me and reading, I like reading very long blog posts. Maybe it's just me. I don't think a lot of novels that are not at least 700 pages long. I have an album with a 60- minute long track on it, and I think it is a good song length. I prefer movies at least 2 hours and 10 minutes long.

    Anyway, I wish you peace and fun on your trip, and bring back some nice rocks. Hope you have some good swimming pool somewhere.

  4. Look forward to hearing from you when you return with lots of good tales of the trip...

  5. I hope you are having a blast! Hurry back!
