Thursday, August 30, 2007

Art class

I still didn't win the lottery. Oh, well. I didn't really want last night's jackpot anyway. Friday night's Mega Millions is going to be like a third of a billion dollars, so I guess I'd rather have that than 18 million.

Monday night's art class ended early, as I'm sure most of them did since it was only the first day of school and most people don't have their supplies yet. But it ended even sooner than it was supposed to. Professor had planned a slide show so that we could see what people did in the class two years ago. But when the projector was delivered to the lab, he didn't notice that there wasn't a computer with it, and the "slides" were on a disk. The office that loans out the projectors and computers and such had closed for the day, so no slide show. We talked for a bit and then class was dismissed.

So last night, just to be on the safe side, he brought his wife's laptop. Only it still didn't work for some reason. So again, so slide show.

But he did come up with a hundred pounds of terra cotta and enough earthenware for us to do our first project without having to buy clay ourselves. So that's always nice to get free stuff. Then we rolled out slabs for our relief sculptures. Then we selected our patterns and went to the next building to get them enlarged.

Only the copy center had already closed for the day. I thought that mine was big enough, and he didn't argue. But most of the other students needed to go to Kinko's or something before they could have their patterns ready to trace.

So no slide-show, and no copy center. So class was dismissed early again. And we don't have class next Monday night, because of the holiday weekend.

I took my slab and some extra clay home. If I can find a place to work, maybe I'll have the thing done by Wednesday and can get started on another project.

Finding a place to work here isn't going to be as easy as you'd think. The place is quite a mess. More so than usual, because I moved a lot of stuff and just dumped it in the living room and dining area while I worked on the floor elsewhere in the house. But now that the floor is mostly done, I can move most of the stuff back to where it used to be.

Before I left class I got to talk to professor about upcoming projects. The paper cast project is pretty much the same as last semester's molded tiles. I haven't got the patterns picked out yet, but I'm probably going to do three small things like shells and starfish. It will look good with the shell and the sea turtle stuff I did last time. And the rubber mold that we're going to make to cast plaster or cement is going to be the same pattern that I used for the dragon relief sculpture before. The sculpture in the round fool the eye project is probably going to be a jack-o-lantern, or maybe two. I wasn't allowed to do that last semester because he wanted me to copy a real pumpkin and none were available at the time. And I have a better idea on how to get started on the glass casting project, so I can be looking for designs for that. It will probably be a small dragon, and the carved soapstone might also be a small dragon, but that's like the last thing and I've plenty of time to decide that later.

So that just leaves two projects that I don't have a clue about. The second project is made from wire, and I don't have any ideas about that yet. And I have to make a sculpture from found objects. I'll have to ask if that can be a toothpick sculpture.

Now if I could just figure out how to make my eyes stop hurting, everything would pretty much go back to normal. Or as normal as it gets for me around here now.


  1. Hmmm, a sculpture from found objects. Around here you can pick up really interesting fallen branches that already look like sculptures without needing to be altered.
