Saturday, April 04, 2009

"There is another" brief question about last week's Terminator

I totally forgot to post this earlier.

Okay, so last week we were watching Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles, and there was a quote from an old movie. And I laughed, and he laughed, and on with the rest of the episode. And I kind of wonder how many of us got the joke. It has been a while.

And then I'm talking to my husband later, and apparently we were laughing at different jokes.

John Henry says "There is another." And that's a quote, or part of a quote, from an old movie. And then it's a quote, or part of a quote, from a different movie. And I was thinking of one movie, and he was thinking of another movie.

Okay, so who got the one joke, and who thought it was a different joke, and who has no idea what I'm talking about?


  1. I think of Yoda referring to Princess Leia....

  2. That was one. So I think I'll wait a bit and see if anyone else stops by to talk about the other one, or to say they didn't get it at all, or maybe someone else saw something else that I didn't even think of.

  3. I'm waiting too. I got this from memory, and didn't google it except to look up to see which of the two movies it was from.

  4. Sadly it only sounds familiar to me. I can't recall where it may have come from to give me that feeling.

  5. I left a post on my blog about my ugly history and truth. You can check it out if you want.

  6. ooh ooh I got it! Only because I right now watching it... Big Trouble in Little China (one of the best John Carpenter movies ever!).
    Lo Pan says it to Jack when he is talking about needing a woman with green eyes to become mortal again.

  7. Well, I can't say that I know anything about that movie, so no, that's not the other one.

    I guess some clues are necessary for those who want to play.

    "There is another system"

    That should give it away to Dmarks. If not I will have to come back with another clue.

  8. A: "Big Trouble in Little China" is in the discount box at Walmart. I was thinking of getting it. And now I have a recommendation.

    L: I'm still coming up blank on the second one.

  9. Should we wait for Ananda or someone else to make another guess, or should I just give you more clues?

  10. Waiting is fine with me. I'm OK with however you handle it.

  11. I am no where near as good as dmarks and you on this kind of game. Are we talking about Colossus: The Forbin Project? Or Sara Connor Chronicles? (I googled.)

  12. Ananda
    You cheated. Dmarks will get you for that.

  13. I do understand that it is sometimes very hard to resist googling, so I'll let her get away with this one. The reference to Colossus: The Forbin Project definitely rings a bell to me now.

  14. So when I was watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and John Henry said "There is another" I was thinking of Colossus. And later, my husband says he was thinking of the Star Wars stuff. And I was like, why would anyone think that? Here's a big computer making a reference to a movie about another big computer. What does Star Wars have to do with anything?

    Playing around with Google, I found some other people making jokes about the implied reference to Star Wars, with John Henry saying that he had a sister, but he wouldn't tell who it was unless someone bought him some legos.

    I didn't see that the episode made anyone else think of Colossus. How can that be? I realize that it has been decades, but how can you not think about Colossus a bit anyway when you talk about Skynet?

    Other things I found while Googling this stuff:

    Ron Howard was going to remake Colossus, but is having a lot of trouble with it. He will probably drop the whole idea.

    And I found some English department thing about Colossus and other movies that make us afraid. Wargames was also mentioned, as was The Demon Seed, and a movie I'd never heard of before, The Invisible Boy.

    The Invisible Boy looks just awful, but it has Robbie the Robot, so now of course I will have to watch it on YouTube, as I have never actually seen another movie staring the complete Robbie the Robot.

  15. Have you ever seen "Forbidden Planet", the main movie with the complete Robbie the Robot? The movie is quite good also.

    I saw what I am pretty sure was the real Robbie the Robot in Grand Rapids once.

  16. I only know the Star Wars one.

  17. Poor Dame Honoria will be completely surprised when the big computers get control of our nuclear weapons and such.

    Seems like Colossus II was on the Isle of Wight or something. It would have been good to have someone on our side over in that part of the world to keep an eye on things for us.

  18. They could always send the Cylons over to counteract Colossus. Along with Robocop, Johnny 5, and a few Terminators. I'm sure that WOPR from Wargames will be glad to direct some missiles over there too.

  19. Okay, I cheated. I will behave from now on (my fingers are not crossed).

    Funny, I almost guessed Wargames because it was on the other night. I have a cheezy movie channel. Really, someone ought to come out with the "Cheezy Channel" and do movies like Forbidden Planet... another great flick and Big Trouble in Little China, etc.

    I love Robbie the Robot and his followers like the "Danger! Danger! Will Robinson" bot, who I must admit I thought was Robbie for a long time.

  20. dmarks-- I am envious of your Robbie meeting. How cool is that?

    I love Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons too. I think I just like bots period. There was a great bot in a movie with Rutgard Howard named Max. He may have been an android. I can't recall the movie's name though.

  21. The Lost in Space Robot and Robbie are brothers in a way, having both been designed by Robert Kinoshita. It doesn't help that the Lost in Space Robot's name (B9) is hardly used, so I have heard others call the Lost in Space Robot "Robbie".
