And then there were a few things that we might have done yesterday, except that it rained a lot, and even after driving only three hours or so we were tired.

But we did visit Window Rock. If you're a Trekkie, imagine the Guardian of Forever's bigger less talkative brother. I've wanted to see it twice before, but just didn't have the time to make a detour of an hour or so, much less time to get out and take pictures and such. But we spent the night in Gallup, and we had all day to get to the next place about two hundred miles away, so we had some time.
While looking at Window Rock, a cow wandered past, and I wondered if we shouldn't tell someone about it. Only it turns out that cows just have the run of the place, that the fence only discourages them from being in the parking lot and doesn't actually keep them in any particular place. We later saw several more cows in odd places, and then four horses. They didn't attract any more attention than the stray dogs.
I've seen a lot during this trip. Strange that I almost didn't go.
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