Friday, October 27, 2006

Enik the Altrusian

Well, that's over with. Or at least it will be after two more coats of paint. The costume will finally be finished.

Of course, now it is so stiff and difficult to get into that I probably won't even wear it. Luckily, I have the purple dress and fairy wings as a backup costume that I have to actually wear to the party, because I can't drive in the other costume, or eat in the other costume, or dance in the other costume. (Not that I can dance in the purple dress either, but at least I might be asked.)

And the party is at AAFES, and you have to show a photo ID to get in.

There's no way I could get on to a military place dressed as Enik the Altrusian. There's no telling who could be under that mask.

I am very tired.

I still wish I had quit the job, even though tomorrow will probably be my last day.

I miss my husband. It will be good to see him Sunday.

I forgot to ask him if he was going to try to come in on Saturday. Surely not, but I forgot to ask. It's too far, and I don't want him to try.

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